Speaking of musical intervals... Ella Fitzgeral is a pro. Most singers only sing notes nearby one another but she makes big jumps with her singing. She approaches vocals the same way coltrane approaches the sax. She is really great. Doesn't she make you smile?
Ralph Waldo Emerson says the main point of my post and applies it to everything in his speech, "The American Scholar", when he says, "Meek young men grow up in libraries, believing it their duty to accept the views, which Cicero, which Locke, which Bacon, have given, forgetful that Cicero, Locke, and Bacon were only young men in libraries when they wrote these books." He is telling everyone that the people they idolize (for this crowd famous economists and and philosophers) started it just the same as anyone. of course we can apply this to music, art, science, and ANYTHING that you can think of. So thanks for the advice, Ralph.
It's playlist time
- Valentine -Fiona Apple
- Planet Caravan- Black Sabbath
- Wizard Turns on - The Flaming Lips
- Summertime Clothes- Animal Collective
- Two Weeks- Grizzly Bear
- 'Gangsta'- tUnE-yArDs
- Ponta De Areia - Esperanza Spalding
- Ms. Tinkle's Overture- Umphreys Mcgee
- Chameleon- Herbie Hancock
- Ritual Dance- Michael Hedges
Youtube them all you won't be sorry! They are all completely different because I like all sorts of stuff. Thanks for Reading! Also, please give me blogging advice, I'm new.